





Commissioning ceremony for “Yunlin”:

On June 15, 2024, President Lai Ching-te boarded the patrol ship “Yunlin” and waved to the press.

A commissioning ceremony for Taiwan’s largest patrol ship, “Yunlin,” was held at Kaohsiung Port in Taiwan.

President Lai Ching-te:

In the future, it will be deployed in the EEZs of Taiwan’s main island, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and the outlying islands and Penghu, as well as on the high seas.

1. The commissioning of the new ship will lead to an expansion of Taiwan’s patrol range.

2. We would like to continue to demonstrate our superiority as a maritime nation.

台湾、海巡署、最大の国産4000トン級巡視船「嘉義」、配備。 多連装ロケット砲を装備。 - pelicanmemo

The third ship after the Chiayi and Hsinchu:

Following the already commissioned Chiayi and Hsinchu.

The Yunlin is the largest 4,000-ton class patrol vessel in Taiwan, and will be the third.

1. The cruising range is 10,000 nautical miles (about 18,520 km).

2. It is equipped with three high-pressure water cannons with a range of 120 m.

国産ドック型揚陸艦「玉山」が誕生、「国艦国造」政策の新たなマイルストーンに : Taiwan Today

Domestic patrol vessel project:

The Taiwanese government is promoting the “national construction of national ships” project.

1. A budget of over NT$426 million (JPY 207 billion) has been invested.

2. 141 new patrol vessels are scheduled to be built between 2018 and 2027.

Taiwan: Largest patrol vessel handover ceremony held

-First time for both president and vice president to attend-

Summary from NHK article.

台湾・高雄で国産巡視船の引き渡し式 蕭副総統、海巡署の能力向上に期待 (2024年6月2日) - エキサイトニュース

Handover ceremony for patrol vessel “Yunlin”:

On March 9, Taiwan’s largest patrol vessel was handed over to the Coast Guard.

The president and vice president attend the commemorative ceremony:

This is the first time they have attended together, demonstrating their unwillingness to succumb to Chinese pressure.


Features of the patrol vessel “Yunlin”:

The patrol vessel is 126.3m long and has a displacement of over 5,000 tons.

The largest vessel owned by Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration

1. Equipped with multiple rocket launchers

2. Helicopters can take off and land on the deck

In the event of an emergency, it will participate in combat under the command of the military.

台湾 金門島 漁船転覆後 中国海警局の船 禁止水域周辺を航行 | NHK | 台湾

Waters around Taiwan:

February 2024:

A Chinese fishing boat capsized off the coast of Kinmen Island.

Chinese government vessels have been stepping up their activities.

金門島周辺の「制限水域」内を中国軍の艦艇が航行…初確認(日テレNEWS NNN)|dメニューニュース(NTTドコモ)

February 27:

Three China Coast Guard vessels sail north in the sea east of Taiwan.

They took the unusual step of approaching Taiwan’s remote islands in the East China Sea.