韩国将为K1 MBT和K9 SPH开发无人技术

韩国将为K1 MBT和K9 SPH开发无人技术


将开发能够使大韩民国陆军(RoKA)部署其K1主战坦克(MBT)和K9 155毫米跟踪自行榴弹炮(SPH)的无人版本的技术,


Janes understands that

the ADD-led programme is expected to commence in December and will deliver a completed study by November 2024.

The agency has budgeted KRW7.38 billion (USD6.19 million) for this work.

Key lines of research include a common remote-control architecture and remote driving as well as autonomous navigation technology.

The agency will also explore mission systems that address the unique characteristics of both MBT and SPH operations, such as mobile target remote aiming and tracking technology for the former.
