
海自の護衛艦「かが」大規模改修で飛行甲板が長方形に…事実上の空母化で「F35B」発着艦に : 読売新聞





海自の護衛艦「かが」大規模改修で飛行甲板が長方形に…事実上の空母化で「F35B」発着艦に : 読売新聞

Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer “Kaga”:

The ship has completed its first major renovation in preparation for becoming an aircraft carrier capable of operating fighter jets.

It was unveiled to the press on April 8th at Kure Air Base (Hiroshima Prefecture).

The flight deck was changed to a rectangular shape to allow fighter jets to take off safely.

From now on, the Kure base will become the offshore base from which F35Bs take off and land.

防衛大綱:「いずも」空母化案が浮上 「攻撃能力」論点に | 毎日新聞

What is the escort ship “Kaga”?

Kaga is the second of the Izumo-class destroyers (total length 248m).

2018 mid-term defense development plan:

The government plans to strengthen its warning and surveillance, emergency and air defense posture.

It was specified that the two ‘Izumo-class’ ships would be converted into aircraft carriers.

米海兵隊F-35B、護衛艦「いずも」発着艦試験(米海兵隊SNS用広報動画):F-35B JS Izumo Capabitilies Test

F-35B stealth fighter specifications:

The F35B installed on the Izumo class is a STOVL aircraft.

1. Move the jet engine exhaust port up and down.

2. Capable of taking off over short distances and landing vertically

「かが」5/10 今日も艦尾が気になった…!海自カラーの船が現れた!【空母化改修(278)】護衛艦「かが」本日の状況は…!?【戦艦大和造船所】海上自衛隊 呉基地 2023年5月10日DDH-184加賀

2nd ship ‘Kaga’: Details of this renovation

Renovation of ‘Kaga’ started in March 2022 and ended on March 29th of this year.

Kaga is the first ship to have a rectangular deck like an aircraft carrier.

Changed the bow of ‘Kaga’ to square:

According to a Ministry of Defense official, the shape of the ship’s bow will be changed from a trapezoid to a square.

It suppresses turbulence in the airflow from the bow direction, increasing stability during takeoff.

2nd ship ‘Kaga’: Next renovation details

The second renovation will begin in 2026, and the ship’s equipment will be changed.

F35Bの発着艦試験成功、自衛隊が初の「空母」を持つ理由とは : 読売新聞

1st ship ‘Izumo’: Schedule for second refurbishment

1. The first ship ‘Izumo’ has already completed its first renovation.

2. Last time, we applied heat-resistant paint to resist engine exhaust heat.

The first ship, “Izumo,” will undergo its second renovation this fiscal year.

Operational readiness for two aircraft carriers, Izumo and Kaga, is established.

防衛省・自衛隊:「平成31年度以降に係る防衛計画の大綱について」、「中期防衛力整備計画(平成31年度~平成35年度)について」及び「新たなミサイル防衛 システムの整備等及びスタンド・オフ防衛能力の強化について」

Strengthening Japan’s air defense posture:

In the medium-term defense development plan established in 2018, it was specified that two Izumo-class ships would be converted into aircraft carriers.

The Japanese government’s position is not to possess “attack aircraft carriers” that would destroy the homeland of other countries.

New F-35B squadron established:

The acquisition cost for seven F-35B fighter jets will be included in the fiscal year 2024 budget.

A new “temporary F-35B squadron (tentative name)” will be established at Shintahara Air Base.



Izumo type design philosophy:

From the design stage, the Izumo class was intended to be installed on the F-35B.

We confirmed the exact dimensions and weight of the F-35B with Lockheed Martin.

F-35B elevator design:

Transport the F-35B smoothly from the hangar to the flight deck.

We decided on the size of the elevator and the weight it could carry.

The cost of reinforcing the elevator to accommodate the F-35B is zero.

F35Bを着艦させるために出雲の改装が必要だそうです。F35Bの噴射熱は何度位なのですか? - Quora

Modified for F-35B:

F-35B has higher exhaust heat temperature than helicopter.

1. The heat resistance of the flight deck has been strengthened to accommodate the F-35B.

2. When the F-35B lands, guidance lights are added.

With this modification, the F-35B will be able to take off and land on Izumo.

However, this does not mean that the F-35B is capable of operational operations.

Preparing for the Maintenance of the F-35 at Langley AFB - Second Line of Defense

F-35 self-diagnosis system: ALIS

Lockheed Martin calls this “ALIS (Automatic Logistics Information System).”

For F-35s worldwide:

ALIS uses computers to check F-35s around the world.

All machines have a built-in self-diagnosis system.

1. Collect and analyze data to determine when to replace parts,

2. System for efficiently supplying replacement parts to operating countries

Also introduced on Izumo F-35B:

In order to carry out operations with the F-35B mounted on the Izumo type for a long period of time,

Additional equipment for this “ALIS” connection terminal is required.

着艦精密誘導装置JPALSで同盟強化を | 東京の郊外より2

US Navy’s “JPALS”:

MSDF is also moving forward with the introduction of a system called “JPALS.”

GPS and UHF waves automatically guide the F-35 to aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships.

Also introduced by the Royal Navy and Italian Navy:

Like Japan, the Royal Navy and Italian Navy also plan to purchase the F-35B and equip their aircraft carriers with JPALS.
