Medicago 的本土植物性 COVID-19 疫苗已获加拿大卫生部批准

Medicago 的本土植物性 COVID-19 疫苗已获加拿大卫生部批准

Medicago 的植物性 COVID-19 疫苗现已获得加拿大卫生部的批准,

这将很快让加拿大人选择在本土接种抗 SARS-CoV-2 的疫苗。

监管机构周四宣布决定允许 18 至 64 岁的成年人使用它,

继上周加拿大卫生部批准了 Novavax 疫苗之后,这是加拿大批准的第六种疫苗。

In what the biopharmaceutical company calls a world first, the vaccine from Quebec City-based Medicago uses plant-derived,

virus-like particles, which resemble the coronavirus behind COVID-19 but don’t contain its genetic material.

The shots also contain an adjuvant from British-American vaccine giant GlaxoSmithKline to help boost the immune response.

In December, the companies reported high efficacy levels against infection as they geared up for regulatory approval.