


・來自 13 個地點的 333 張全掃描影像傳送到地球


我們將為您提供 JAXA 研究所發表的文章摘要。

小型月着陸実証機 SLIM:高精度着陸と軽量化を実現するための技術 - Small lunar landing demonstrating mission, SLIM: Tech for high-precision landing and weight reduction - | 宇宙科学研究所

Institute of Space and Astronautical Science: University of Aizu: Ritsumeikan University

SLIM’s Multiband Spectroscopic Camera (MBC) successfully captured his 10-band spectroscopic image.

SLIM observation images released:

JAXA has released some of the ‘SLIM observation images after power restoration’.

We were able to observe more rocks than we had originally expected.


Image of MBC equipped with SLIM (Figure 1-1)

Dog run area immediately after landing (mosaic image taken from a lunar surface scan)


Image of MBC equipped with SLIM (Figure 1-2)

Dog run area immediately after power restoration (mosaic image)

The direction of the sun was reversed and changed from east to west.

Therefore, the direction in which the shadow is cast differs between the two images.


Rocks with detailed observation of 10 bands (Figure 2)

Due to different solar radiation conditions, some rocks to be observed were changed and added.


Observing ‘Akita Inu’ (Figure 3)

After power was restored, ‘Akita Inu’ was observed using near-infrared light (wavelength 1.65μm).

MBC autofocus function:

Distance can be measured by focusing.

Once you know the distance, you can calculate the size of the rock.

It turns out that the distance to ‘Akitainu’ is 18m and the width is 63cm.


SLIM team and MBC team (Figure 4)

Completed observations at MBC:

1. After the SLIM power was restored, 333 full-scan images were taken twice at different wavelengths.

2. High-resolution 10-band observations of rocks and regolith were conducted at 13 locations.

Based on the data, we will proceed with identifying rocks and analyzing the chemical composition of minerals.

Scientific results will be announced as soon as they are obtained.



Investigation of the origin of the moon: Comparison of olivine from the moon and Earth

SLIM successfully made a high-precision landing on a gravitational object.

ISAS/JAXA begins investigating the origin of the moon.

SLIM: (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon)

SLIM demonstrates the ‘high-precision landing’ required for future lunar and planetary exploration.

With the realization of SLIM, “landing on a planet with stricter weight restrictions than the moon” will become a reality.

はやぶさ2・挑戦の先へ:/下 「300億円」予算限られ | 毎日新聞

Sample return from the lunar surface:

Also, if we plan to conduct sample returns from the lunar surface in the future.

1. If we launch a SLIM-class return vehicle from the lunar surface,

2. The Hayabusa capsule can be sent to Earth.

月マントル組成の不均質の地質学的証拠を世界で初めて明らかに | 論文へのGATEWAY | 宇宙科学研究所 研究情報ポータル あいさすGATE

Solving the mysteries of the moon’s formation and evolution:

There is a theory that the moon was formed by a giant impact.

In this case, the mantle composition (=90% of the Moon) would be similar to that of the Earth.

1. The mantle is the material inside the moon.

2. It is difficult to directly examine the composition of the mantle on the lunar surface.

3. It is important to investigate the places where the mantle is exposed on the lunar surface.

月は地球から分離した」は本当か、いよいよ両者のマントル組成を直接比較–日本の月面着陸機SLIM - UchuBiz

The importance of pinpoint landing:

Near the crater, “material thought to be derived from the mantle” is exposed.

SLIM made a pinpoint landing near the crater and conducted on-the-spot observations.

Inside and around the crater:

Inside and around the crater excavated by a meteorite impact.

There are places where lunar internal materials are thought to have been exposed.


Important discoveries made by the lunar orbiting satellite “Kaguya”:

One of the important discoveries of the lunar orbiting satellite “Kaguya”.

Discovered a place on the moon’s surface where material thought to be derived from the mantle is exposed.

かんらん石」は上部マントルの主要構成鉱物|海洋研究開発機構(JAMSTEC) 高知コア研究所

Comparing olivine from the Moon and Earth:

Specifically, there is a rock that contains mantle material called olivine.

What is olivine:

A time when the primordial moon was still hot and melting.

Materials with high specific gravity that have sunk inside the lunar mantle (reference image)

Comparing the composition of olivine with that of Earth, we will explore the mysteries of the formation and evolution of the Moon.

Multi-Band Camera: The importance of MBC

SLIM investigates the composition of olivine.

For this purpose, it is equipped with Multi-Band Camera: MBC.

MBC features:

1. Split the reflected light of sunlight on the moon’s surface into different colors (divided into rainbow colors)

2. Examine the intensity of light at each wavelength

In the future, we aim to determine the composition of olivine.
