LG 就 Bolt EV 电池起火向通用汽车支付高达 19 亿美元

LG 就 Bolt EV 电池起火向通用汽车支付高达 19 亿美元


LG 电子已同意向通用汽车赔偿最高 19 亿美元,用于召回雪佛兰 Bolt 电动汽车,原因是这家韩国供应商提供的电池存在故障导致火灾风险。

自 2016 年开始生产以来,该公司的旗舰主流电动汽车 Bolt 的问题导致该汽车制造商召回了每一辆电动汽车。

修理车辆,包括完全更换一些电池,预计耗资 20 亿美元


已同意赔偿通用汽车高达 19 亿美元的召回和维修费用

Chevrolet Bolt electric vehicles due to fire risks caused by faulty batteries provided by the South Korean supplier.

GM said Tuesday.

That’s up from a previous estimate of $1.8 billion.

As a result of the agreement,

GM will recognize an estimated recovery in the third-quarter that will offset $1.9 billion of $2.0 billion in charges associated with the recalls.

The automaker previously said it was pursuing reimbursement from LG.

LG did not immediately respond for comment.

The manufacturing problems
occurred at LG Battery Solution’s plants in South Korea and Michigan.

The “rare manufacturing defects” in the Bolt EVs

are a torn anode tab and folded separator that when present in the same battery cell increase the risk of fire, according to GM.
