米商務省:中国スパコン5社、輸出規制追加ー(EAR)Entity List(動画): US DOC:Five Chinese Supercomputers, Add Export Regulations-(EAR) Entity List: 美国商务部:五个中国超级计算机,增加出口管制条例-出口管制条例(EAR)实体清单 2019年07月03日By Tokio X'press super computer, 4 IT, Regulation
Uruguay:Nazi bronze eagle競売決定:The eagle with a swastika(動画): Hidden for more than a decade, warship’s Nazi eagle to be sold: 隐藏了十多年,军舰的纳粹鹰将被出售 2019年06月26日By Tokio X'press minorities, secret, 6 Society, Regulation
Sweden SWF:AP7基金、投資除外銘柄ーnuclear weapons、Cannabis(動画): AP7 Adds Brookfield Asset Management to its Investment Exclusion List: AP7将Brookfield Asset Management添加到其投资排除清单中 2019年06月22日By Tokio X'press Fund, SWF, Regulation, Investment
KPMG:不正行為、5000万ドル罰金:PCAOBデータ詐取、試験解答入手: KPMG fined $50 million, stole PCAOB data and cheated on exams: 毕马威会计师事务所罚款5000万美元,窃取了PCAOB数据,并在考试中作弊 2019年06月19日By Tokio X'press manner, education, Guilty, 6 Society, Regulation
スイス:casino、オンライン営業認可ーgames (poker,roulette,blackjack)(動画): Switzerland: Casino, online licensing-casino games (poker, roulette, blackjack): 瑞士:赌场,在线许可 – 赌场游戏(扑克,轮盘赌,二十一点) 2019年06月17日By Tokio X'press casino, 6 Society, Regulation, Entertainment