




擴展兩個現有的電子戰 (EW) 單位。

JGSDF: 신 EW 유닛 설립:

육상 자위대(JGSDF):


3개의 신전전(EW) 유닛을 설립,

2개의 기존 전자전(EW) 유닛을 확장합니다.

JGSDF: Đơn vị EW mới được thành lập:

Lực lượng Phòng vệ Mặt đất (JGSDF):

Năm 2022,

Thành lập ba đơn vị tác chiến điện tử (EW) mới,

Mở rộng hai đơn vị tác chiến điện tử (EW) hiện có.

The JGSDF will form three small-scale EW units at

Camp Takada in Niigata,
Camp Yonago in Tottori,
Camp Kawauchi in Fukushima,

the spokesperson said.

The JGSDF will also increase the number of EW units at

Camp Kengun in Kumamoto
Camp Aiura in Nagasaki,

the spokesperson added.

In addition,
the JGSDF is planning to improve certain facilities such as the “corps office building”

for new EW units that will be formed in 2023 at

Camp Tsushima in Nagasaki
Camp Yonaguni in Okinawa,

the spokesperson said.

Similar facilities at
Camp Higashi-Chitose in Hokkaido will also be improved, the spokesperson added.

One of the three pillars of Japan’s defence objectives

is to strengthen the Japan Self-Defense Forces’ (JSDF’s) capabilities in the electromagnetic domain.

The MoD has prioritised increasing the number of EW units of the JGSDF across the country to enhance military preparedness

in the face of growing security threats from China, Russia, and North Korea.

The MoD’s decision to bolster EW capabilities of the JGSDF

positioned in Yonaguni is significant considering the island’s strategic location 110 km from Taiwan and east of the disputed Senkaku Islands.

In March,
the JGSDF established a new EW unit at Camp Asaka in Tokyo.

The EW unit
has about 180 personnel and is set to become Japan’s command centre for electronic defence, supervising other EW units across the country.
