





2018年,在这艘日本国旗的渔船M.V.上工作的渔夫托运行李中发现约962片鱼翅,重约190磅。 京神丸第20号(Kyoshin Maru)。

Kyoshin Maru在太平洋南部从事延绳钓金枪鱼捕捞大约一年之前,

ü a crew of officers who were Japanese nationals and fishermen who were Indonesian nationals.

harvested fins In the course of the voyage, crew members harvested fins from approximately 300 sharks.

On or about Nov. 6, 2018,

the Kyoshin Maru traveled near Hawaii, and its Indonesian crew members legally entered the United States in order to board return flights departing from Honolulu International Airport.

Transportation Security Administration

During routine screening, Transportation Security Administration officers

discovered the shark fins in 10 of the fishermen’s checked luggage.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service seized the shark fins, which it later determined were worth as much as $57,850 on the black market.

OPA | Department of Justice
