




 China has offered a new and closer look at the catapults on its newest aircraft carrier, the Fujian. We also now have what appears to be the first look inside the retractable enclosed control station built into the flight deck that catapult officers on the ship will use to launch planes.

China Reveals Catapult:

China has revealed new, more detailed images of the catapult on its latest aircraft carrier, the Fujian.

It also showed for the first time the inside of the retractable, enclosed control station built into the flight deck.

Inside the Control Station Revealed:

The control station is used by the ship’s catapult officers to launch aircraft.

New images of the Fujian’s flight deck are the same as those found on U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.

It’s called the “bubble.”


People’s Liberation Army (PLA) video:

Images of the Fujian’s flight deck are included in a new People’s Liberation Army (PLA) video.

Clips and screenshots of the video started circulating on social media today.

David Wang@Nickatgreat1220

Type 003 – CV-18 ‘Fujian’ Aircraft Carrier Successfully Completed its 8 Days of Tests for Power & Electrical System Performance

1. However, it is unclear when the newly released footage was taken.

2. As of early this week, the aircraft carrier “Fujian” was still undergoing its fourth sea trial.

“Fujian” adopts electromagnetic catapult (CATOBAR):

Fujian began sea trials earlier this year.

1. It adopts catapult-assisted takeoff and arrest (CATOBAR). Both are electromagnetic.

2. Fujian has three catapults. Two at the bow and one on the port side aft of the center of the hull.

PLAN’s 3 aircraft carriers:

Last week, the aircraft carrier Fujian sailed alongside the PLAN’s Liaoning and Shandong.

1. Both the Liaoning and Shandong are short takeoff, barrier arrest and recovery (STOBAR) types.

2. They have a ski jump on the bow instead of a catapult.


Additional images of the Fujian revealed:

1. A new video shows the shape of the catapult track on the bow of the Fujian.

2. A better look at the internal and external structure of the catapult launch station.

Catapult launch station shape:

This is very similar in shape to the Ford-class Integrated Catapult Control System (ICCS).

1. The station has a large hexagonal plate on top.

2. When the catapult is retracted, it blends in with the rest of the flight deck.

Nimitz-class aircraft carriers of the US Navy:

The Nimitz-class aircraft carriers of the US Navy have a retractable ICCS installed on the flight deck.

On the US Navy’s aircraft carriers, the ICCS controls the ship’s catapults.

1. However, when the catapults are retracted, there is no cover on the upper deck.

2. The ICCS provides guidance to the pilots, allowing them to have a full view of the flight deck.

First F-35C Catapult Launch Aboard USS Nimitz

Nimitz-class and Ford-class aircraft carriers:

Back-up catapult control systems have been installed elsewhere on the aircraft carrier.

French carrier Charles de Gaulle joins ...

French Navy Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier:

The French CATOBAR aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle

has a retractable “bubble” on the deck, which is rectangular in shape.

China says Fujian aircraft carrier has tested catapult launch system | South China Morning Post

Analyzing the new footage of the Fujian aircraft carrier:

1. A catapult officer is pressing the launch button from the control room.

2. However, there has never been a single shot of a fighter jet launching from the deck.

For the first time, tests of the electromagnetic catapult of the Chinese aircraft carrier Fujian are shown - ВПК.name

Catapult testing of the Fujian aircraft carrier:

1. I have never seen an aircraft actually launch from the Fujian catapult.

2. The Fujian may still be using the old weighted trucks.

As of earlier this week, the Fujian was still undergoing its fourth sea trial.

Catapult feasibility of the Fujian aircraft carrier:

The implementation of an electromagnetic catapult on the Fujian aircraft carrier is the PLA Navy’s biggest mission.

Launching aircraft from the deck is a mission for the Fujian as it moves towards full commissioning.

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System - Wikipedia

Development of the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS):

EMALS is a relatively new and complex technology.

To date, only one aircraft carrier, the Ford-class,

has used the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS) to launch aircraft into the air.

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launching System (EMALS) on Aircraft Carriers - YouTube

UK, France and India are developing:

France, India and possibly the UK are considering deploying EMALS-equipped aircraft carriers in the future.

1. China has no experience in operating aircraft carriers using steam-powered catapults.

2. However, it is surprising that the Fujian has adopted the electromagnetic catapult so quickly.

China’s new aircraft carrier development plan:

China is also in the process of building a new CATOBAR aircraft carrier (Type 004).

This aircraft carrier may be a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

The Chinese Navy is also currently receiving several Type 076 large amphibious assault ships.

They will be equipped with at least one electromagnetic catapult and will likely be used primarily to launch drones.