


Volkswagen Engineer Sentenced for His Role in Conspiracy to Cheat U.S. Emissions Tests .   

A Volkswagen engineer was sentenced today by U.S. District Judge Sean F. Cox of the Eastern District of Michigan to 40 months in federal prison, and two years of supervised release, for his role in a nearly 10-year conspiracy to defraud U.S. regulators and Volkswagen customers by implementing software specifically designed to cheat emissions tests in hundreds of thousands of Volkswagen “clean diesel” vehicles sold in the U.S., the Justice Department announced today. During the hearing, the Court noted that the sentence took into consideration the defendant’s cooperation in the investigation and prosecution of the company and others. Department of Justice

一名大众工程师今天被密西根州东区的美国地区法官肖恩·考克斯(Sean F. Cox)在联邦监狱判处40个月的监禁,并在两年的监督下被释放,因为他在近10年的阴谋中欺骗美国监管机构和大众汽车司法部今天宣布,通过实施专门为在美国销售的成千上万辆大众“清洁柴油”车辆进行排放测试的软件。听证会期间,法院指出,该项判决考虑到被告在公司和其他方面的调查和起诉方面的合作。司法部
