日本:東シナ海に新型護衛艦を配備:護衛艦「みくま」(動画):  Japan: Deploying a new escort ship in the East China Sea: “Mikuma”:  日本:在东海部署新型护航舰:“三熊”

Frigate ship, Defense

中露艦隊:津軽・大隅海峡通過し日本列島一周:’海上合同2021’(動画):  China-Russia Fleet: Going around Japan archipelago:’Marine Joint 2021′: 中俄舰队:穿越津轻海峡、大隅海峡,环游日本列岛:“海洋联合2021”

Jane's, Frigate ship, Defense

COVID-19:韓国海軍’文武大王’が大恥:乗組員247人感染帰国(動画):  COVID-19: S.Korean ‘Munmu the Great’is a shame: 247 crew are infected: COVID-19:韩国海军“文武大帝”令人遗憾:247 名船员被感染

Frigate ship, flu, Medical care, Defense

COVID-19:韓国海軍’文武大王’で感染者:80人を隔離(動画):  COVID-19: Korean Navy’Munmu the Great’infected: 80 people isolated:  COVID-19:韩国海军‘文木大帝’感染:80 人被隔离

Frigate ship, flu, Medical care, Defense

中国:遼寧の戦闘能力不足に激怒:海軍・宋学氏を処罰(動画):  China: Furious at Liaoning’s lack of fighting ability: Navy punishes:  中国:对辽宁缺乏战斗力感到愤怒:海军惩罚

Frigate ship, aircraft carrier, Destroyer, Defense

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