ウクライナDX:日本のDNP・NRIと提携:ELEKSグループ(動画):  Ukraine DX: Partnership with Japanese DNP / NRI: ELEKS Group:  乌克兰 DX:与日本 DNP / NRI 合作:ELEKS 集团

Data Science and Machine-Learning, software, 4 IT, Cyber, Solution

COVID-19:ワクチン接種を証明:指をかざすだけ(動画):   COVID-19: Prove vaccination: Just hold your finger over:  COVID-19:证明疫苗接种:只需将手指放在上方

security, Vaccine, software, flu, privacy, 4 IT, Sensor

英BT:東芝と量子暗号通信ネットワーク構築へ:2021年内開始(動画):  BT: Qquantum cryptography communication with Toshiba: Start within 2021: 英国BT:与东芝共建量子密码通信网络:2021年内启动

quantum computing, software, Security, Cyber, Communication

筑波大学:音声を瞬時に字幕表示:See-Through Captions(動画):  Univ Tsukuba: Instantly display subtitles for audio: See-Through Captions:  筑波大学:即时显示音频字幕:透明字幕

software, recognition, Solution

富士通:Fugakuでアプリを搭載:Cradle CFD、CONVERGE(動画):  Fujitsu: Commercial application in Fugaku: Cradle CFD, CONVERGE:  富士通:配备富学的商业应用:Cradle CFD、CONVERGE

super computer, software, Solution, IT

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